This season, the Chicago White Sox are happy to introduce the content creator program, an initiative to allow content creators the opportunity to experience working in a live professional sports setting. The program’s goal is to feature a unique perspective of the team, ballpark, and fan experience at Guaranteed Rate Field.
Lawrence Brown, a Chicago based photographer, has been waiting for this moment for a long time. He has been shooting for over five years, focusing on red carpet events, concerts, and release events. Brown always wanted to get involved with sports photography though.
“This program gave me my start in sports photography,” said Brown. “I tweeted out last year that I’d love to shoot a Sox game and then, the program was created and the digital team for the Sox saw my tweet and reached out and it’s been an amazing experience ever since.”
Lawrence has been coming to Sox games for years as a fan, so he felt it was only a matter of time before he really combined his passion for photography and for the White Sox.
“I’ve always enjoyed filming or shooting games as a fan,” said Brown. “I always did my best with the access I had. I got a good response of my shots from my friends and family and then I posted them on social media and got a good response there as well. Now, I’m here. The power of social media is crazy.”
“It was crazy. I’ve never been that close to the field. It was Liam’s first game back with the team, [Shohei] Ohtani was in town, that game gave me the best shots I’ve had throughout the program.”
The White Sox hope that the content creator program can continue to empower individuals and allow them the opportunity to capture a game, telling a different story from their perspective, helping them find their way into the sports photography field.
Take a look below at some of Lawrence’s favorite shots from his time so far as a member of the content creator program and be sure to check out more of his work on his Instagram page.

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White Sox Content Creator Program Spotlight: Lawrence Brown was originally published in Inside the White Sox on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.